Laboratory presentation
The LphiA laboratory, a photonics laboratory in Angers, was created in January 2010 with the label Equipe d'Accueil E.A. 4464, following the restructuring of the POMA laboratory which had just lost its CNRS label. One third of the members of the latter (6 EC + 1 CR) joined the Moltech Anjou laboratory. The other members (12 EC) decided, with the support of the UFR and the University, to found a laboratory with a tighter thematic focus.
In accordance with the recommendations of the HCERES and the wish of the University of Angers, a federative research structure SFR Matrix was created in January 20119 bringing together the LPhiA, Moltech and the PIAM platform. This structure brings together all the physicists.
Research teams
The research themes of the LphiA are mainly oriented towards the light-matter interaction through 2 major axes:
- Lasers, solitons and non-linear materials (LSM),
- Doped glasses and thin films (VDCM).
The first theme is divided into four areas: fiber lasers, space-time solitons, nonlinear optics in nanometric guides and nonlinear index metrology, as well as innovative functionalized materials for optoelectronic applications. The second theme involves the study of the structure, dynamics and optical properties of amorphous media, with a particular focus on biomimicry, and thin films for photovoltaic applications.
The activities within the laboratory have a very strong experimental component, whose evolution requires an increasingly sustained support at the level of modeling.