Innovative and functionalized Materials for optoelectronics applications
Description :
Our objective is the development of innovative and functionalized materials for optoelectronic applications such as nonlinear optics, nanophotonics, lasers and energy applications, including the use of nonlinear optics as a powerful tool to diagnostic the NLO properties for safety and security. It is a multidisciplinary strategy based on molecular engineering, materials science, nonlinear optics, photonics in order to develop innovative multifunctional systems.
Team leader:
Team members :
- Prof. Alexander QUANDT (ORCID, SCHOLAR)
- Dr Iryna GONCHAROVA (Short Biography)
- Houda EL KAROUT (doctorante)
- Agnieszka MARJANOWSKA (doctorante)
PhD theses in progress :
Starting date of the thesis: october 2021
"Metal complexes and functionalized azo derivatives for applications in photonics and nonlinear optics" Supervision: 100%.
Defense expected in 2024.
Starting date of the thesis: February 2022
"Optical, photovoltaic and nonlinear optical effects of perovskite-based thin films". Thesis in cotutelle with the Nicholas Copernic University, Torun, Poland
Expected defense in 2025.
Recently defended doctoral dissertations:
Thesis in cotutelle system defended on 09/12/2021,
Thesis topic : "The push-pull type organic chromophores for nonlinear optics and light amplification applications
Current position: Since March 2022 Post-doc at Gather Lab and Humboldt Centre for Nano- and Biophotonics, University of Cologne, Germany.
- Karolina WASZKOWSKA,
Thesis defended on 25/11/2021
Thesis subject: Study and diagnosis of the physicochemical properties of new (metallo)supramolecular conjugated architectures of self-organized supramolecular polymers for nonlinear optics.
Current position: Post-doc at ENS Lyon since May 2022.
- Y. T. Alvarez KOSSONOU,
Thesis in cotutelle system defended on 01/07/2021
Subject: " Characterization of the texture of multispectral images of blood cells in optical microscopy : application to malaria diagnosis ".
Current position: Lecturer at the Institut National Polytech Felix Houphouet Boigny, DFR-GEE/INPHB, Yamoussoukro Ivory Coast.
Experimental setups available in the team :
- Second and third harmonic generation (SHG, THG)
- Z-scan technique.
- Degenerate Four Wave Mixing (DFWM)
- Photoinduced surface-relief gratings in selected films
Projects :
- Bouchta SAHRAOUI, coordinateur du Projet européen IMAGE intitulé : “Innovative Optical/Quasioptical Technologies and Nano Engineering of Anisotropic Materials for Creating Active Cells with Substantially Improved Energy Efficiency” Call: H2020-MSCARISE- 2017, Acronym: IMAGE, Number: 778156 ( période : du 01 février 2018 au Juillet 2024, Project Cost: 1,692,000.00 €)
Participants in this project:
- Bouchta SAHRAOUI
- Dominque Guichaoua
- Said Taboukhat
- Karolina Waszkowska
- Oksana Krupka
- El Ghayoury Abdelkrim
- Iryna Goncharova
- Bouchta SAHRAOUI, coordinateur du projet européen n° 101086493 intitulé : "Nouvelles technologies et matériaux pour le contrôle du rayonnement térahertz" dans le cadre du H2020 « “Novel Technologies And Materials For Terahertz Radiation Control” “Terahertz » TeraHertz (2023_00057) Staff exchanges projects: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Developing talents, advancing research (période du 01 janvier 2023 au décembre 2027) ; (Project Cost: 1,508,000.00 €)
Participants in this project:
- Bouchta SAHRAOUI
- Dominque Guichaoua
- Said Taboukhat
- Houda El Karout
- Oksana Krupka
- Iryna Goncharova
- Bouchta SAHRAOUI, coordinateur du PHC POLONIUM PROJET N° 48178YC intitulé : Films minces multifonctionnels à base de pérovskites et de complexes organométalliques pour des applications en photovoltaïque et en optique non linéaire. (01/01/2022 – 31/12/23)
- Bouchta SAHRAOUI, partenaire du PHC BOSPHORE 2022, intitulé : « Cristaux liquides push-pull en étoile à base de triazine pour des applications d'optique non linéaire » Star shaped push-pull triazine-based liquid crystals for non-linear optical applications / Période : 01/01/2022 – 31/12/23 (coordinateur El Ghayoury Abdelkrim)
- Bouchta SAHRAOUI, Partenaire du POLONIUM 2021 Code Projet : 46897NE, entre l’Université d’Angers et l’école polytechnique de Wroclaw Pologne, Projet accepté en décembre 2020. Novel Molecular Materials For Nano/Micro Lasing And Nonlinear Optics, Domaine: Physique, Milieux Denses Et Matériaux. Période 2021-2022 (coordinateur El Ghayoury Abdelkrim)
List of European and international universities involved in collaborations with the team "Innovative and functionalized materials for optoelectronic applications" under the responsibility of Bouchta SAHRAOUI:
- Université de technologie de Wroclaw (Pologne)
- Université Nicolas Copernic, Faculté de physique, d’astronomie et d’informatique, Torun, Pologne
- Ecole polytechnique de Czestochowa, Pologne
- Ecole polytechnique de Varsovie (Pologne)
- Centre de systèmes intégrés de matériaux multi-échelles CIMMS, Technische Universität Hambourg, Allemagne
- Institut de traitement de l'information biologique: Bioélectronique, Groupe de
- capteurs électroniques, IBI-3, Forschungszentrum Juelich, Allemagne
- Centre d'excellence pour les technologies innovantes et la nanotechnologie,
- Université nationale polytechnique de Lviv, Ukraine.
- Institut de physique, Université Jan Dlugosz de Czestochowa, Pologne
- Université nationale Taras Shevchenko de Kiev, Ukraine
- Institut euro-méditerranéen de science et de technologie, Palerme, Italie.
- Université de Vilnius, Vilnius, Lituanie
- Université Politehnica de Bucharest, Bucharest Roumanie
- Université Hassan II, Casablanca, Maroc
- Université Chouaib Doukkali, El Jadida, Maroc
- Université Ibn Tofail, Kénitra, Maroc
- Université Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie
- Université Malaysia Pahang, Fac Ind Sci & Technol, Ion Mat Team, Kuantan,
- Pahang, Malaisie
- Université Selcuk, Dept Phys, Fac Sci, Selcukl, Konya, Turkey
- Université Joseph KI ZERBO, Dept Phys, LPCE, 03 POB 7021, Ouagadougou
- 03, Burkina Faso
- Institut National Polytech Felix Houphouet Boigny INPH B, Lab Instrumental
- Image & Spect, Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire
- University of South Africa, iThemba LABS Cape Town, South Africa
Research internships carried out under the responsibility of Bouchta SAHRAOUI in the framework of European or bilateral projects during the last 4 years:
- Prof. Anna Zawadzka: Université Nicolas Copernic, Torun, Pologne
- Prof Jarek Mysliwiec: Ecole polytechnique de Wroclaw, Pologne
- Prof. Andriy Kityk: Ecole polytechnique de Czestochowa, Pologne
- Prof. Anna Migalska: Université Jan Dlugosz de Czestochowa, Pologne
- Prof. Konstanty W. Marszalek : AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Pologne
- Dr Przemysław Płóciennik : Université Nicolas Copernic, Torun, Pologne
- Amina LOUID: Université Nicolas Copernic, Torun, Pologne
- Dr Adam szukalski Ecole polytechnique de Wroclaw, Pologne
- Alina Szukalska: Ecole polytechnique de Wroclaw, Pologne
- Ihor Syvorotka : Scientific Research Company "Electron-Carat, Lviv, Ukraine
- Dr Olga Kityk: CEO, ENERGIA OZE Sp. z o. o. 42-274 Konopiska, Pologne
- Robert Wielgorz : CEO, ENERGIA OZE Sp. z o. o. 42-274 Konopiska, Pologne
- Dr Nataliia Syvorotka: Scientific Research Company "Electron-Carat, Lviv, Ukraine
- Dr. -Ing Magdalena Leśniak: AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Pologne
- Dr Gabriela Lewińska, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Pologne
- Dr Iaroslav Gnilitskyi: Lviv Polytechnic National University, , Lviv, Ukraine
- Bohdana-Mariia Syrotynska: Private Enterprise Softpartners (SPC), Lviv, Ukraine
- Yaryna Fayura: Private Enterprise Softpartners (SPC), Lviv, Ukraine
- Dr Olga Kityk: CEO, ENERGIA OZE Sp. z o. o. 42-274 Konopiska, Pologne
Selected publications :
- Cheret, A Szukalski, KA Haupa, A Popczyk, J Mysliwiec, B Sahraoui, A El-Ghayoury. Ruthenium based terpyridine complexes as both luminescent and NLO materials. Polyhedron.
Volume 233, 15 March 2023, 116299,
- N Numan, S Jeyaram, K Kaviyarasu, P Neethling, J Sackey, CL Kotsedi, M Akbari, R Morad, Patience Mthunzi-Kufa, B Sahraoui, M Maaza. On the remarkable nonlinear optical properties of natural tomato lycopene. Scientific Reports, Volume 12, 9078.
- Szukalski, P. Krawczyk, B. Sahraoui and B. Jędrzejewska. Multifunctional Oxazolone Derivative as an Optical Amplifier, Generator, and Modulator. Phys. Chem. B , 126, 1742−1757 (2022),
- Amina Laouid, Amine Alaoui Belghiti, Krzysztof Wisniewski, Abdelowahed Hajjaji, Bouchta Sahraoui, Anna Zawadzka; Generation of red light with intense photoluminescence assisted by Forster resonance energy transfer from Znq2 and DCM thin films. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-20.
- Karolina Waszkowska, Anastasiia Krupka, Vitaliy Smokal, Oksana Kharchenko, Anna Migalska-Zalas, Mykhaylo Frasinyuk, Robert Wielgosz, Anatoliy Andrushchak, Bouchta Sahraoui. Correlation between Nonlinear Optical Effects and Structural Features of Aurone-Based Methacrylic Polymeric Thin Films. Materials2022, 15(17), 6076;
- M Lougdali, M Zazoui, Y Abboud, A Zawadzka, A Migalska-Zalas, K Waszkowska, B Sahraoui. Photoluminescence and nonlinear optical properties of Nickel bis-(8-hydroxyquinoline) thin film. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 284, 126031.
- Mydlova, B. Sahraoui, K. Waszkowska, H. El Karout, M. Makowska-Janusik, A. Migalska Zalas. Computational and Experimental Study of Nonlinear Optical Susceptibilities of Composite Materials Based on PVK Polymer Matrix and Benzonitrile Derivatives. Materials 2022, 15 (6), 2073.
- Sznitko, T. Chtouki, B. Sahraoui, and J. Mysliwiec Bichromatic Laser Dye As a Photonic Random Number Generator ACS Photonics 2021, 8, 1630−1638 (2021),
- Popczyk, A. Grabarz, Y. Cheret, A. El-Ghayoury, J. Mysliwiec, B. Sahraoui. Tailoring the acceptor moiety of novel thiophene-based chromophores: Conjoined experimental and Dyes and Pigments, 196, 109789(2021).
- Waszkowska, K; Josse, P; Cabanetos, C; Blanchard, Ph; Sahraoui, B; Guichaoua, D; Syvorotka, I; Kityk, O; Wielgosz, R; Huber, P; Kityk, A. “Anisotropic confinement of chromophores induces second-order nonlinear optics in a nanoporous photonic metamaterial” Optics Letters, Volume: 46 Issue: 4 Pages: 845-848 (2021),
- Waszkowska, T. Chtouki, O. Krupka, V. Smokal, V. Figà and B. Sahraoui “Effect of UV-Irradiation and ZnO Nanoparticles on Nonlinear Optical Response of Specific Photochromic Polymers”, Nanomaterials, 2021, 11, 492.
- Guichaoua, I. Syvorotka, I. Solskii, N. Syvorotka, K. Waszkowska, A. Andrushchak, B. Sahraoui. Specific complex-oxide crystals with strong nonlinear absorption and nonlinear refraction as promising optical materials.
Optical Materials, 112 (2021) 111493
- Waszkowska, Y. Cheret, A. Zawadzka, A. Korcala, J. Strzelecki, A. El-Ghayoury, A. Migalska-Zalas, B. Sahraoui. Photoluminescence and nonlinear optical properties of triple stranded helicates based metallo-supramolecular architectures. Dyes and Pigments, 186 (2021) 109036.
- Yao Taky Alvarez Kossonou, Alain Clément, Bouchta Sahraoui, Jérémie Zoueu. “A Local Binary Pattern-Based Method for Color and Multicomponent Texture Analysis” Journal of Signal and Information Processing, Scientific Research Publishing, 2020, 11 (3), pp.58 – 73 (2020). 10.4236/jsip.2020.113004
- Szukalski, A, Haupa, KA, Adamow, A, Cheret, Y, Hue, R, El-Ghayoury, A, Sahraoui, B, Pisignano, D, Mysliwiec, J, Camposeo, A “Photoactivated Refractive Index Anisotropy in Fluorescent Thiophene Derivatives” Journal Of Physical Chemistry C Vol: 124 Issue: 46 Pages: 25465-25472 (2020)
- Mydlova, S. Taboukhat, K. Waszkowska, N. Ibrahim, A. Migalska-Zalas, B. Sahraoui, P. Frère, M. Makowska-Janusik, “Selected molecules based on (-1-cyanovinyl)benzonitrile as new materials for NLO applications - Experimental and computational studies” Journal of Molecular Liquids, Volume 314, 113622 (2020)
- Taboukhat, N. Kichou, J.-L. Fillaut, O. Alévêque, K. Waszkowska, A. Zawadzka, A. El-Ghayoury, A. Migalska-Zalas and B. Sahraoui “Transition metals induce control of enhanced NLO properties of functionalized organometallic complexes under laser modulations” Scientific Reports, Volume: 10 Issue: 1 N°: 15292 (2020)
- Waszkowska, O. Krupka, O. Kharchenko, V. Figà, V. Smokal, N. Kutsevol & B. Sahraoui Influence of ZnO nanoparticles on nonlinear optical properties Applied Nanoscience, Volume: 10 Issue: 12, Pages: 4977-4982 (2020).
- Kulyk, K. Waszkowska, A. Busseau, C. Villegas, P. Hudhomme, S. Dabos-Seignon, A. Zawadzka, S. Legoupy, B. Sahraoui, “Penta(zinc porphyrin)[60]fullerenes: Strong reverse saturable absorption for optical limiting applications” Applied Surface Science, Volume 533, 147468 (2020)
- Amal Tarbi, Chtouki, M.A. Sellam, A. Benahmed, Y. El kouari, H. Erguig,A. Migalska-Zalas, I. Goncharova, S. Taboukhat « The discovery of the effect of compositional disorder on the opto-electronic properties of the deformed InGaAsP quaternary », Materials Today Communications, vol. 35, p. 105678, juin 2023,
Team conferences:
Participations :
Organisations :
- Co-organisation de la conférence international : International Conference “Advanced Functional Materials for Optics, Lasers and Photovoltaics Applications”, June 14, 15 & 16, 2022, Kenitra, Morocco:
- Chair of the 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks and
11th Sub-Wavelength Photonics Conference SWP 2019, 9-13 July 2019, Angers, France, ICTON 2019,
Remarque : Cette conférence a réuni plus de 500 participants dont Prof. Jean Marie Lehn, lauréat du Prix Nobel de Chimie, ainsi qu’une centaine de sommités scientifiques :
Group Photos :