Articles scientifiques (134)
Equipe 1 – Lasers, solitons & matériaux non linéaires
- B.N. Aleksić, N.B. Aleksić, V. Skarka, M. Belić, "Stability and nesting of dissipative vortex solitons with high vorticity", Phys. Rev. A 91, 043832, 2015.
- V. Besse, H. Leblond, G. Boudebs, "Fifth-order nonlinear susceptibility: Effect of the third-order resonances in a classical theory", Phys. Rev. A 92, 013818, 2015.
- A. Niang, F. Amrani, M. Salhi, H. Leblond, F. Sanchez, "Influence of gain dynamics on dissipative soliton interaction in the presence of a continuous wave", Phys. Rev. A 92, 033831, 2015.
- A.V. Zhukov, R. Bouffanais, H. Leblond, D. Mihalache, E.G. Fedorov, M.B. Belonenko, "Interaction of a two-dimensional electromagnetic pulse with an electron inhomogeneity in an array of carbon nanotubes in the presence of field inhomogeneity", Eur. Phys. J. D 69, 242, 2015.
- Y. Meng, M. Salhi, A. Niang, K. Guesmi, G. Semaan, F. Sanchez, "Mode-locked Er:Yb doped double-clad fiber laser with 75 nm tuning range", Opt. Lett. 40, 1153, 2015.
- K. Guesmi, F. Bahloul, M. Salhi, F. Sanchez, R. Attia, "Hysteresis phenomenon and multistability in figure-of-eight microstructured fiber laser", Laser Phys. 24, 045109, 2015.
- Y. Meng, G. Semaan, M. Salhi, A. Niang, K. Guesmi, Z. Luo, F. Sanchez, "High pwer L-band mode-locked fiber laser based on topological insulator saturable absorber", Opt. Express 23, 23053, 2015.
- A. Komarov, K. Komarov, F. Sanchez, "Harmonic passive mode locking of bound-soliton structures in fiber lasers", Opt. Com. 354, 158, 2015.
- D. Manzani, V. Besse, M. Napoli, G. Boudebs, S.J.L. Ribeiro, C.B. de Araújo, "Third-order nonlinearities and other properties of molybdenum lead-pyrophosphate glass", Opt. Mater. 42, 298, 2015.
- M. Olivier, P. Němec, G. Boudebs, R. Boidin, C. Focsa, V. Nazabal, "Photosensitivity of pulsed laser deposited Ge-Sb-Se thin films", Optical Materials Express 5 (4), 781, 2015.
- A. Le rouge, H. El Hamzaoui, B. Capoen, R. Bernard, O. Cristini-Robbe, G. Martinelli, Ch. Cassagne, G. Boudebs, M. Bouazaoui, L. Bigot, "Synthesis and nonlinear optical properties of zirconia-protected gold nanoparticles embedded in sol-gel derived silica glass", Mater. Res. Express 2 (5), 055009, 2015.
- M. Chniti, Ch. Cassagne, J.L. Godet, G. Boudebs, "Investigation of the third-order nonlinear optical properties in porphyrin solutions in the picosecond regime", Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 24 (3), 1550030, 2015.
- V. Coda, C. Ciret, T. Mengis, M. Gorram, G. Montemezzani, M. Chauvet, F. Devaux, "Anisotropic build-up of photo-induced waveguides in biased photorefractive media", Optics Commun. 355 (382), 2015.
- U. D. Dave, C. Ciret, S.-P. Gorza, S. Combrie, A. De Rossi, F. Rainerie, G. Roelkens, B. Kuyken, "Dispersive-wave-based octave-spanning supercontinuum generation in InGaP membrane waveguides on a silicon substrate”, Optics Letters 40(15), 3584, 2015.
- H. Leblond, "Dissipative solitons: The finite bandwidth of gain as a viscous friction", Phys. Rev. A 93, 013830, 2016.
- V. Skarka, N. Aleksić, W. Krolikowski, D. Christodoulides, B. Aleksić, M. Belić, "Linear modulational stability analysis of Ginzburg-Landau dissipative vortices", Opt. Quant. Electron. 48, 240, 2016.
- H. Leblond, S. Terniche, "Waveguide coupling in the few-cycle regime", Phys. Rev. A 93, 043839, 2016.
- G. Boudebs, H. Wang, Ch. Cassagne, H. Leblond, C. de Araújo, "Investigations on the nonlinear optical response and losses of toluene at 532 nm and 1064 nm in the picosecond regime", Appl. Phys. B 122, 111, 2016.
- H. Wang, Ch. Cassagne, H. Leblond, G. Boudebs, "Dark-Field Z-scan imaging technique", Opt. Commun. 366, 148, 2016. Invited paper.
- K. Guesmi, G. Semaan, M. Salhi, Y. Meng, F. Bahloul, H. Leblond, F. Sanchez, "L-band harmonic mode locked of single-, two- and three-soliton bunches from C-band amplifier in a figure-of-eight fiber laser", Rom. J. Phys. 61 (7-8), 1330, 2016.
- H. Triki, H. Leblond, D. Mihalache, "Soliton solutions of nonlinear diffusion-reaction-type equations with time-dependent coefficients accounting for long-range diffusion", Nonlinear Dyn. 86, 2115, 2016.
- A.V. Zhukov, R. Bouffanais, B.A. Malomed, H. Leblond, D. Mihalache, E. G. Fedorov, N.N. Rosanov, M.B. Belonenko, "Collisions of three-dimensional bipolar optical solitons in an array of carbon nanotubes", Phys. Rev. A 94, 053823, 2016.
- H. Leblond, Ph. Grelu, D. Mihalache, H. Triki, "Few-cycle solitons in supercontinuum generation dynamics", Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 225, 2435, 2016.
- M.A. Porras, M. Carvalho, H. Leblond, B.A. Malomed, "Stabilization of vortex beams in Kerr media by nonlinear absorption", Phys. Rev. A 94, 053810, 2016.
- S. Terniche, H. Leblond, D. Mihalache, A. Kellou, "Few-cycle optical solitons in linearly coupled waveguides", Phys. Rev. A 94, 063836, 2016.
- F. Bahloul, K. Guesmi, M. Salhi, F. Sanchez, R. Attia, "Control of the square pulse properties in figure-of-eight microstructured fiber laser", Opt. Eng. 55 (5), 026102, 2016.
- G. Semaan, F. Ben Braham, M. Salhi, Y. Meng, F. Bahloul, F. Sanchez, "Generation of high energy square-wave pulses in all anomalous dispersion Er:Yb passive mode-locked fiber ring laser", Opt. Express 24, 8399, 2016.
- G. Semaan, F. Ben Braham, J. Fourmont, M. Salhi, F. Bahloul, F. Sanchez, "10 µJ dissipative soliton resonance square pulse in a dual amplifier figure-of-eight double clad Er:Yb mode-locked fiber laser", Opt. Lett. 41, 4767, 2016.
- A. Komarov, A. Dmitriev, K. Komarov, F. Sanchez, "Spectral-doublet rectangular pulses in anomalous-dispersion passive mode-locked fiber lasers", Phys. Rev. A 94, 043827, 2016.
- A. Komarov, A. Dmitriev, K. Komarov, F. Sanchez, "Passive mode locking of a fiber laser operating in the regime of regular undamped spike", Optics and Spectroscopy 121, 925, 2016.
- G. Semaan, F. Ben Braham, M. Salhi, F. Sanchez, "Roadmap to high-energy square pulses in anomalous dispersion fiber lasers", Phot. Lett. Pol. 8, 95, 2016. Invited paper.
- M. Chniti, Ch. Cassagne, H. Wang, G. Boudebs, "Dark-field Z-scan technique with highly nonlinear absorbing materials: application to porphyrins", Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 25 (2), 1650020, 2016.
- M. Chniti, Ch. Cassagne, H. Wang, G. Boudebs, "Nonlinear properties of unfilled d shell metal porphyrins of 5,10,15,20-tetraphenyl-21H,23H-porphine cobalt(II) et 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(4-methoxyphenyl)-21H,23H-porphine cobalt(II) using D4σ-Z-scan", Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 25 (4), 1650050, 2016.
- S. Reyna, G. Boudebs, B. A. Malomed, C. B. de Araújo, "Robust self-trapping of vortex beams in a saturable optical medium", Phys. Rev. A 93, 013840, 2016.
- C. Ciret, F. Leo, B. Kuyken, G. Roelkens, S.-P. Gorza, "Observation of an optical event horizon in a silicon-on-insulator photonic wire waveguide", Opt. Express 24, 114, 2016.
- C. Ciret, S.-P. Gorza, "Scattering of a cross-polarized linear wave by a soliton at an optical event horizon in a birefringent nanophotonic waveguide", Opt. Lett. 41, 2887, 2016.
- E. Dremetsika, B. Dlubak, S.-P. Gorza, C. Ciret, M.-B. Martin, S. Hofmann, P. Seneor, D. Dolfi, S. Massar, P. Emplit, P. Kockaert, "Measuring the nonlinear refractive index of graphene using the optical Kerr effect method", Opt. Lett. 41, 3281, 2016.
- W. Glaz, T. Bancewicz, J.-L. Godet, M. Gustafsson, A. Haskopoulos, G. Maroulis, "Effects of anisotropic interaction-induced properties of hydrogen-rare gas compounds on rototranslational Raman scattering spectra: Comprehensive theoretical and numerical analysis", J. Chem. Phys. 145 (3), 034303, 2016.
- P.-H. Hanzard, M. Talbi, D. Mallek, A. Kellou, H. Leblond, F. Sanchez, Th. Godin A. Hideur, "Brillouin scattering-induced rogue waves in self-pulsing fiber lasers", Sci. Rep. 7, 45868, 2017.
- H. Leblond, D. Kremer, D. Mihalache, "Few-cycle spatiotemporal optical solitons in waveguide arrays", Phys. Rev. A 95, 043839, 2017.
- V. Skarka, N. B. Aleksić, W. Krolikowski, D.N. Christodoulides, S. Rakotoarimalala, B.N. Aleksić, M. Belić, "Self-structuring of stable dissipative breathing vortex solitons in a colloidal nanosuspension", Opt. Express 25, 10090, 2017.
- K. Guesmi, F. Bahloul, G. Semaan, Y. Meng, M. Salhi, F. Sanchez, "Widely tunable, narrow and low optical noise continuous-wave all-fiber co-doped double-clad ring laser", J. of Opt. 19, 015501, 2017.
- G. Semaan, A. Komarov, M. Salhi, F. Sanchez, "Study of harmonic mode-lock stability under external continuous wave injection", Opt. Com. 387, 65, 2017.
- G. Semaan, A. Niang, M. Salhi, F. Sanchez, "Harmonic mode-locked dissipative soliton resonance square-wave pulses in all anomalous dispersion Er:Yb doped passive mode-locked fiber laser", Las. Phys. Lett. 14, 055401, 2017. IOP Select 2017 & Highlight article 2017 (3000 downloads).
- P. Mouchel, G. Semaan, A. Niang, M. Salhi, M. Le Flohic, F. Sanchez, "High power passively mode-locked fiber laser based on graphene nanocoated optical taper", Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 031106, 2017.
- A. Komarov, A. Dmitriev, K. Komarov, D. Meshcheriakov, G. Semaan, F. Sanchez, "On the theory of passive mode-locked fiber lasers with phase-modulated rectangular pulses", Phys. Rev. A 96, 033820, 2017.
- F. Ben Braham, G. Semaan, F. Bahloul, M. Salhi, F. Sanchez, "Experimental optimization of dissipative soliton resonance square pulses in all anomalous passively mode-locked fiber laser", J. of Opt. 19, 105501, 2017.
- B. Derkowska-Zielinska, K. Fedus, H. Wang, Ch. Cassagne, G. Boudebs, "Nonlinear optical characterization of Disperse Orange 3", Optical Materials 72, 545, 2017.
- H. Wang, G. Boudebs, C. B. de Araújo, "Picosecond cubic and quintic nonlinearity of lithium niobate at 532 nm", Journal of Applied Physics 122 (8), 083103, 2017.
- H. Oukraou, L. Vittadello, V. Coda, C. Ciret, M. Alonzo, A. A. Rangelov, N. V. Vitanov, G. Montemezzani, "Control of adiabatic light transfer in coupled waveguides with longitudinally varying detuning", Phys. Rev. A 95, 023811, 2017.
- C. Ciret, S.-P. Gorza, "Generation of ultra-broadband supercontinuum in dispersion managed silicon nanophotonic waveguides", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34, 1156, 2017.
- H. Oukraou, L. Vittadello, V. Coda, C. Ciret, M. Alonzo, A. A Rangelov, N. V. Vitanov, G. Montemezzani, "Quantum-like adiabatic light transfer in photo-induced waveguides with longitudinally varying detuning", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 867, 012024, 2017.
- M. S. A. El-Kader, J.-L. Godet, A. A. El-Sadek, G. Maroulis, "Spectral lineshapes of collision-induced light scattering (CILS) and collision-induced absorption (CIA) using isotropic intermolecular potential for H2-Ar", Molecular Physics 115 (20), 2614, 2017.
- V. Skarka, M.M. Lekić, A.G. Kovačević, B. Zarkov, N.Ž. Romčević, "Solitons generated by self-organization in bismuth germanium oxide single crystals during the interaction with laser beam", Opt. Quant. Electron. 50, 37, 2018.
- E.G. Fedorov, A.V. Zhukov, R. Bouffanais, A.P. Timashkov, B.A. Malomed, H. Leblond, D. Mihalache, N.N. Rosanov, M.B. Belonenko, "Propagation of three-dimensional bipolar ultrashort electromagnetic pulses in an inhomogeneous array of carbon nanotubes", Phys. Rev. A 97, 043814, 2018.
- H. Leblond, D. Mihalache, "Utrashort spatiotemporal optical solitons in waveguide arrays: The effect of combined linear and nonlinear couplings", J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51, 435202, 2018.
- M. Salhi, G. Semaan, F. Ben Braham, A. Niang, F. Bahloul, F. Sanchez, "Broadly peak power and pulse width tunable dissipative soliton resonance generation in figure of eight fiber laser", Rom. Rep. Phys. 70, 402, 2018.
- G. Semaan, A. Komarov, A. Niang, M. Salhi, F. Sanchez, "Spectral dynamics of square pulses in passive mode-locked fiber lasers", Phys. Rev. A 97, 023812, 2018.
- F. Ben Braham, G. Semaan, A. Niang, A. Komarov, F. Bahloul, M. Salhi, K. Komarov, F. Sanchez, "Wave-breaking free passively mode-locked fiber laser using a hybrid regime of oscillation", Las. Phys. Lett. 15, 095401, 2018.
- G. Semaan, A. Komarov, A. Niang, Y. Meng, M. Kemel, M. Salhi, F. Sanchez, "Theoretical and experimental analysis of staircase pulses in passive mode-locked fiber lasers", Phys. Rev. A 98, 033819, 2018.
- Y. Meng, G. Semaan, M. Kemel, M. Salhi, A. Komarov, F. Sanchez, "Color domains in fiber lasers", Opt. Lett. 43, 5054, 2018.
- H. Wang, C. Ciret, J. L. Godet, Ch. Cassagne, G. Boudebs, "Measurement of the optical nonlinearities of water, ethanol and tetrahydrofuran (THF) at 355 nm", Applied Physics B 124 (6), 95, 2018.
- M. Chis, H. Wang, Ch. Cassagne, C. Ciret, G. Boudebs, "Dark field Z-scan microscopic configuration for nonlinear optical measurements: Numerical study", Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 27 (04), 1850037, 2018.
- G. Boudebs, Ch. Cassagne, H. Wang, J. L. Godet, C. B. de Araújo, "Third-order optical measurements of porphyrin compounds using Dark-field and D4σ-Z scan imaging techniques", Journal of Luminescence 199, 319, 2018.
- C. Schnebelin, Ch. Cassagne, C. B. de Araújo, G. Boudebs, "Measurements of the third-and fifth-order optical nonlinearities of water at 532 nm and 1064 nm using the D4σ method: erratum", Opt. Lett. 43 (20), 5037, 2018.
- N. Poulvellarie, C. Ciret, B Kuyken, F Leo, SP Gorza, "Highly Non-Degenerate Two-Photon Absorption in Silicon Wire Waveguides", Phys. Rev. Applied 10, 024033, 2018.
- C. Ciret, SP Gorza, C Husko, G Roelkens, B Kuyken, F Leo, "Physical origin of higher-order soliton fission in nanophotonic semiconductor waveguides", Scientific Reports 8,1, 2018.
- M. S. A. El-Kader, J.-L. Godet, M. Gustafsson, G. Maroulis, "Multi-property isotropic intermolecular potentials and predicted spectral lineshapes of collision-induced absorption (CIA), collision-induced light scattering (CILS) and collision-induced hyper-Rayleigh scattering (CIHR) for H2-Ne, -Kr and -Xe", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 209, 232, 2018.
- H. Leblond, "Half-cycle soliton and periodic waves of arbitrarily high amplitude in a two-level system", Phys. Rev. A 99, 053846, 2019.
- D. Boukhaoui, D. Mallek, A. Kellou, H. Leblond, F. Sanchez, T. Godin, A. Hideur, "Influence of higher-order stimulated Brillouin scattering on the occurrence of extreme events in self-pulsing fiber lasers", Phys. Rev. A 100, 013809, 2019.
- E. G. Fedorov, A.V. Zhukov, R. Bouffanais, B.A. Malomed, H. Leblond, D. Mihalache, N.N. Rosanov, M.B. Belonenko, T.F. George, "Asymptotic dynamics of three-dimensional bipolar ultrashort electromagnetic pulses in an array of semiconductor carbon nanotubes", Opt. Express 27 (20), 27592, 2019.
- P. Mouchel, M. Kemel, G. Semaan, M. Salhi, M. Le Flohic, F. Sanchez, "Limitations of graphene nanocoated optical tapers for high-power fiber laser mode-locking", Opt. Mater. X 1, 100003, 2019.
- A. Komarov, A. Dmitriev, K. Komarov, Y. Meng, G. Semaan, F. Sanchez, "Multisoliton hybrid generation of fiber lasers with anomalous dispersion", Phys. Rev. A 99, 053848, 2019.
- M. Kemel, P. Mouchel, G. Semaan, M. Salhi, M. Le Flohic, F. Sanchez, "Deterioration of graphene nanocoated optical taper saturable absorber at high power", Sensors & Transducers 233, 1, 2019.
- A. Nady, M. Salhi, S. W. Harun, "Passively Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser utilizing tungsten oxide as a saturable absorber", Appl. Opt. 58, 9768, 2019.
- H. Wang, C. Ciret, Ch. Cassagne, G. Boudebs, "Measurement of the third order optical nonlinearities of graphene quantum dots in water at 355 nm, 532 nm and 1064 nm", Optical Materials Express 9 (2), 339, 2019.
- G. Boudebs, H. Wang, Ch. Cassagne, M. Chis, A. M. Amaral, C. B. de Araújo, "Influence of strong light beams on the nonlinear refraction and absorption coefficients of transparent materials", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36 (12), 3411, 2019.
- S. Robertson, C. Ciret, S. Massar, S.-P. Gorza, R. Parentani, "Four-wave mixing and enhanced analog Hawking effect in a nonlinear optical waveguide", Phys. Rev. A 99, 043825, 2019.
- J.-L. Godet, M. S. A. El-Kader, "Collision-induced light scattering (CILS) and collision-induced absorption (CIA) spectra for monatomic rare gas mixtures", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 231, 9, 2019.
- C.M. Arabí, P. Parra-Rivas, C. Ciret, S.P. Gorza, F. Leo, "Modeling of quasi-phase-matched cavity-enhanced second-harmonic generation", Phys. Rev. A 101, 043818, 2020.
- H. Leblond, V. Besse, "Nonlinear transverse standing spin wave modes of a magnetic film", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 345803, 2020.
- B. Derkowska-Zielinska, M. Barwiolek, Ch. Cassagne, G. Boudebs, "Nonlinear optical study of Schiff bases using Z-scan technique", Optics & Laser Technology 124, 105968, 2020.
- G. Semaan, A. Nady, A. Niang, M. Kemel, M. Salhi, F. Sanchez, "Square pulse switchable operations in L-band fiber ring laser", Rom. J. Phys. 65 (7-8), 1330, 2020.
- F. Chen, J. Zhang, Ch. Cassagne, G. Boudebs, "Large third-order optical nonlinearity of chalcogenide glasses within gallium-tin-selenium ternary system", Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 103(9), 5050-5055, 2020.
- R. Szczesny, A. Scigala, B. Derkowska-Zielinska, L. Skowronski, Ch. Cassagne, G. Boudebs, R. Viter, E. Szłyk, "Synthesis, optical and morphological studies of ZnO powders and thin films fabricated by wet chemical methods", Materials, 13.11, 2559, 2020.
Equipe 2 – Verres dopés & couches minces
- J. Merigeon, O. Maalej, B. Boulard, A. Stanculescu, L. Leontie, D. Mardare, M. Girtan, "Studies on Pr3+–Yb3+ codoped ZBLA as rare earth down convertor glasses for solar cells encapsulation", Optical Materials 48, 243, 2015.
- M. Socol, O. Rasoga, C. Breazu, G. Socol, N. Preda, I. Pasuk, D. Visan, I. Stavarache, F. Gherendi, M Girtan, U. Sidwaba, "Heterostructures based on small molecules organic compounds", Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 10 (4), 2015.
- S. Iftimie, R. Mallet, J. Merigeon, L. Ion, M. Girtan, S. Antohe, "On the structural, morphological and optical properties of ITO, ZnO, ZnO:Al and NiO thin films obtained by thermal oxidation", Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 10 (1), 221, 2015.
- C. Adomnitei, S. Tascu, D. Luca, M. Dobromir, M. Girtan, D. Mardare, "Nb doped TiO2 thin films as photocatalytic materials", Bulletin of Materials Science 38 (5), 1259, 2015.
- A.P. Kerasidou, Y. Mauboussin, V. Teboul, "A simple diatomic potential that prevents cristallization in supercooled liquids simulations", Chemical Physics 91, 450, 2015.
- V. Teboul, "Stimuli thresholds for isomerization-induced molecular motions in azobenzene containing materials", Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119, 3854, 2015.
- V. Teboul, R. Barillé, P. Tajalli, S. Ahmadi-Kandjani, H. Tajalli, S. Zielinska, E. Ortyl, "Light mediated emergence of surface patterns in azopolymers at low temperatures", Soft Matter 11, 6444, 2015.
- V. Hoang, V. Teboul, T. Odagaki, "A new scenario of dynamical heterogeneity in supercooled liquid and glassy states of 2D monatomic system", Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119, 15752, 2015.
- O. Maalej, M. El Jouad, N. Gaumer, S. Chaussedent, B. Boulard, M. Dammak Ben Ameur, M. Dammak Ben Tijani, "Site selection spectroscopy in Eu3+-doped lanthanum fluorozirconate glass and glass-ceramic", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 420, 48, 2015.
- X. Bidault, S. Chaussedent, W. Blanc, “A simple transferable adaptive potential to study phase separation in large-scale xMgO-(1-x)SiO2 binary glasses”, Journal of Chemical Physics 143, 154501, 2015.
- C. Breazu, N. Preda, M. Socol, F. Stanculescu, E. Matei, I. Stavarache, G. Iordache, M. Girtan, O. Rasoga, A. Stanculescu, "Investigations on the properties of a two-dimensional nanopatterned metallic film", Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures 11 (4), 1213, 2016.
- O. Maalej, J. Merigeon, B. Boulard, M. Girtan, "Visible to near-infrared down-shifting in Tm3+ doped fluoride glasses for solar cells efficiency enhancement", Optical Materials, 60, 235, 2016.
- M. Socol, N. Preda, O. Rasoga, C. Breazu, I. Stavarache, F. Stanculescu, G. Socol, F. Gherendi, V. Grumezescu, G.Popescu-Pelin, M. Girtan, N. Stefan, "Flexible heterostructures based on metal phthalocyanines thin films obtained by MAPLE", Applied Surface Science 374, 403, 2016.
- A. Stanculescu, G. Socol, L. Vacareanu, M. Socol, O. Rasoga, C. Breazu, M. Girtan, F. Stanculescu, "MAPLE preparation and characterization of mixed arylenevinylene based oligomers:C60", Applied Surface Science 374, 278, 2016.
- P. Koralli, S. F. Varol, M. Kompitsas, M. Girtan, "Brightness of Blue/Violet Luminescent Nano-Crystalline AZO and IZO Thin Films with Effect of Layer Number: For High Optical Performance", Chin. Phys. Lett. 33 (5), 056801, 2016.
- W. Saidi, N. Hfaidh, M. Girtan, A. Megriche, M. El Maaoui, "Effect of B2O3 addition on optical and structural properties of TiO2 as a new blocking layer for multiple dye sensitive solar cell application (DSSC)", RSC Advances 6 ,68819, 2016.
- S. Taamalli, A. Saim, H. Belmabrouk, V. Teboul, "Finite size effects and cooperativity in a model diatomic supercooled liquid", Journal of Applied and Theoretical Physics Research 1, 16, 2016.
- S. Ciobotarescu, N. Hurduc, V. Teboul, "How does the motion of the surrounding molecules depend on the shape of a folding molecular motor", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18, 14654, 2016.
- M. Pozar, A. Kerasidou, B. Lovrincevic, L. Zoranic, M. Mijakovic, T. Primorac, F. Sokolic, V. Teboul, A. Perera, "The microscopic structure of cold aqueous methanol mixtures", Journal of Chemical Physics 145, 144502, 2016.
- S. Taamalli, J. Hinds, S. Migirditch, V. Teboul, "Enhanced diffusion in finite-size simulations of a fragile diatomic glass-former", Physical Review E 94, 052604, 2016.
- X. Bidault, S. Chaussedent, W. Blanc, D.R. Neuville, “Deformation of silica glass studied by molecular dynamics: Structural origin of the anisotropy and non-Newtonian behavior”, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 433, 38, 2016.
- H. Lima, H.C.C. de Oliveira, X. Bidault, T.S. dos Santos, S. Chaussedent, M.A. Couto dos Santos, “Molecular dynamics simulation and crystal field calculations of the Eu2O3-PbO-SiO2 glassy system submitted to long annealing time”, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 448, 62, 2016.
- M. Girtan, "Study of charge carriers’ transport in organic solar cells by illumination area shifting", Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 160, 430, 2017.
- M. Girtan, L. Hrostea, M. Boclinca, B. Negulescu, "Study of oxide/metal/oxide thin films for transparent electronics and solar cells applications by spectroscopic ellipsometry", AIMS Materials Science 4(3), 594, 2017.
- S. Antohe, S. Iftimie, L. Hrostea, V.A. Antohe, M. Girtan, "A Critical Review of Photovoltaic Cells Based on Organic Monomeric and Polymeric Thin Film Heterojunctions", Thin Solid Films 642, 219, 2017.
- L. Hrostea, M. Boclinca, M. Socol, L. Leontie, A. Stanculescu, M. Girtan, "Oxide/metal/oxide electrodes for solar cell applications", Solar Energy 146, 464, 2017.
- A. Stanculescu, O. Rasoga, M. Socol, L. Vacareanu, M. Grigoras, G. Socol, F. Stanculescu, C. Breazu, E. Matei, N. Preda, M. Girtan, "MAPLE prepared heterostructures with oligoazomethine: fullerene derivative mixed layer for photovoltaic applications", Applied Surface Science 417, 183, 2017.
- M. Socol, N. Preda, A. Stanculescu, C. Breazu, C. Florica, F. Stanculescu, S. Iftimie, M. Girtan, G. Popescu-Pelin, G. Socol, "Organic heterostructures deposited by MAPLE on AZO substrate", Applied Surface Science 417, 196, 2017.
- A. Aukštuolis, M. Girtan, G.A. Mousdis, R. Mallet, M. Socol, M.S. R., A. Stanculescu, "Measurement of Charge Carrier Mobility in Perovskite Nanowire Films by Photo-Celiv Method", Romanian Academy Series A 18(1), 34, 2017.
- S. Taamalli, H. Belmabrouk, V. Van Hoang, V. Teboul, "How do packing defects modify the cooperative motions in supercooled liquids ? ", Chemical Physics 490, 55, 2017.
- S. Ciobotarescu, S. Bechelli, G. Rajonson, S. Migirditch, B. Hester, N. Hurduc, V. Teboul, "Folding time dependence of the motions of a molecular motor in an amorphous medium", Physical Review E 96, 062614, 2017.
- F. Ben Slimen, Z. Zaaboub, M. Haouari, N. Bel Haj Mohamed, H. Ben Ouada, S. Chaussedent, N. Gaumer, "Effect of CdS nanocrystals on the photoluminescence of Eu3+-doped silicophosphate sol gel glass", RCS Advances 7, 14552, 2017.
- F. Ben Slimen, M. Haouari, H. Ben Ouada, D. Guichaoua, P. Raso, X. Bidault, J. Turlier, N. Gaumer, S. Chaussedent, "Investigation of the local environment of Eu3+ in a silicophosphate glass using site-selective spectroscopy and molecular Dynamics simulations", Optical Materials 64, 479, 2017.
- M. Socol, N. Preda, C. Breazu, A. Stanculescu, A. Costas, F. Stanculescu, M. Girtan, F. Gherendi, G. Popescu- Pelin, G. Socol, "Flexible organic heterostructures obtained by MAPLE", Applied Physics A 124, 602, 2018.
- M. Socol, N. Preda, C. Breazu, C. Florica, A. Costas, C.M. Istrate, A. Stanculescu, M. Girtan, F. Gherendi, "Organic heterostructures obtained on ZnO/Ag/ZnO electrode", Vacuum 154, 366, 2018.
- W. Saidi, N. Hfayedh, A. Megriche, M. Girtan, M. El Maaoui, "Hydrophilic/hydrophobic and optical properties of B2O3 doped TiO2 sol-gel thin films: Effect of B2O3 content, film thickness and surface roughness", Materials Chemistry and Physics 215, 31, 2018.
- C. Breazu, M. Socol, N. Preda, E. Matei, O. Rasoga, M. Girtan, R. Mallet, F. Stanculescu, A. Stanculescu, "On the properties of organic heterostructures prepared with nano-patterned metallic electrode", Applied Surface Science 443, 592, 2018.
- G. Rajonson, S. Ciobotarescu, V. Teboul, "Optimizing the motion of a folding molecular motor in soft matter", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, 10077, 2018.
- H. Fneich, N. Gaumer, S. Chaussedent, W. Blanc, A. Mehdi, "Europium-doped sol-gel SiO2-based glasses: effect of the europium source and content, magnesium addition and thermal treatment on their photoluminescence properties", Molecules 23, 1768 (14p), 2018.
- M. Houari, F. Ben Slimen, A. Maaoui, N. Gaumer, "Structural and spectroscopic properties of Eu3+ doped tellurite glass containing silver nanoparticles", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 743, 586, 2018.
- M. Girtan, R. Mallet, M.Socol, A. Stanculescu, "On the Physical Properties PEDOT:PSS Thin Films", Materials Today Communications, 22, 100735, 2019.
- M. Lakhdari, F. Habelhames, B. Nessark, M. Girtan, H. Derbal-Habak, Y. Bonnassieux, D. Tondelier, J. M. Nunzi, "Effects of pulsed electrodeposition parameters on the properties of zinc oxide thin films to improve the photoelectrochemical and photoelectrodegradation efficiency", Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 84, 30102, 2019.
- V. Teboul, G. Rajonson, "Temperature dependence of the violation of Purcell's theorem experienced by a folding molecular motor", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, 2472, 2019.
- V. Teboul, G. Rajonson, "Breakdown of the scallop theorem for an asymetrical folding molecular motor in soft matter", Journal of Chemical Physics 150, 144502, 2019.
- V. Teboul, G. Rajonson, "Simulations of supercooled water under passive or active stimuli", Journal of Chemical Physics 150, 214505, 2019. Invited paper.
- M. Vermillac, H. Fneich, J. Turlier, M. Cabié, C. Kucera, D. Borschneck, F. Peters, P. Vennegues, T. Neisius, S. Chaussedent, D.R. Neuville, A. Mehdi, J. Ballato, W. Blanc, “On the morphologies of oxides particles in optical fibers: Effect of the drawing tension and composition”, Optical Materials 87, 74, 2019.
- W. Blanc, I. Martin, H. François-Saint-Cyr, X. Bidault, S. Chaussedent, C. Hombourger, S. Lacomme, P. Le Coustumer, D. R. Neuville, D. Larson, T. Prosa, C. Guillermier, “Compositional Changes at the Early Stages of Nanoparticles Growth in Glasses”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 29008, 2019.
- G. Rajonson, D. Poulet, M. Bruneau, V. Teboul, "Comparison of time reversal symmetric and asymmetric nano-swimmers oriented with an electric field in soft matter", Journal of Chemical Physics 152, 024503, 2020.
- J. Turlier, J. Fourmont, X. Bidault, W. Blanc, S. Chaussedent, “In situ formation of rare-earth-doped nanoparticles in a silica matrix from Molecular Dynamics simulations”, Ceramics International 46, 26264, 2020.